Diese Faktoren beeinflussen die vaginale Feuchtigkeit - LubeLab

These factors influence vaginal moisture

Vaginal moisture is influenced by many different factors - hormones, contraception, stress, chronic illnesses, medications and the phase of life you are in. It is therefore completely normal for it to fluctuate in phases over the course of your life. How wet you become does not always have anything to do with how aroused you are. In the following article we will talk about these different factors, how they affect the body and what you can do to increase moisture, for example to prevent feelings of dryness or pain.

Pain during sex

One of the main reasons for pain during sex is insufficient moisture. This causes unpleasant friction,

This may be because you are not yet sufficiently aroused - because it is happening too quickly, because of stress, or because you are not aware of what really excites you. Take enough time for yourself and your partner.

However, vaginal moisture is not always associated with arousal.

Physical factors also influence vaginal moisture and are usually completely harmless and normal.

Physical causes and external manifestations are:


Hormones influence the moisture of the vagina.

Estrogen plays the most important role.

It ensures that the mucous membrane of the vagina is moist and supplied with blood .

Low estrogen levels can cause less moisture to be produced.

cycle phase

During the menstrual cycle there are hormonal fluctuations, the estrogen level rises and falls.

This can sometimes be noticeable as a dry feeling, especially shortly before and after your period - and during your fertile days as increased moisture.

contraceptive method

Different contraceptive methods can influence vaginal moisture.

This can have either hormonal or mechanical reasons .

Condoms, for example, increase friction , which means that the natural amount of moisture may sometimes not be sufficient for a pleasant feeling.

Hormonal contraceptives suppress the body's own production of estrogen . The body therefore only receives the hormones contained in the pill itself. This is often lower in dosage, which can lead to too little vaginal moisture being produced.

This is particularly common with the micropill , a low-dose combination pill containing estrogen and progestin.

stage of life

During menopause and After pregnancy or while breastfeeding, it can often happen that less vaginal moisture is produced. This is again due to hormones.

During menopause, there is a hormonal changes and the estrogen levels drop.

Vaginal dryness can also be noticeable during breastfeeding , as after birth, estrogen production is reduced .


Anti-allergy medications such as antihistamines have a decongestant effect on the mucous membranes, which also causes the vaginal mucous membrane to become drier.

Other possible side effects of antidepressants include a reduction in libido and vaginal moisture.

During chemotherapy , in addition to cancer cells, mucous membrane cells, such as those in the vagina, can also be damaged.

Antihormone therapy , such as for breast cancer, can cause symptoms of menopause , which often include vaginal dryness.


Stress has a direct effect on our body. Consequences can include headaches, tension, skin problems and gastrointestinal complaints. But stress also affects sexual organs such as the vagina and hormones . Vaginal dryness can be a symptom of this. Stress stimulates the production of the hormone cortisol . This suppresses our sex hormones, which leads to a lower libido .

What can help?

In order to increase moisture and reduce friction, it is always helpful to use a good lubricant . This can also protect the mucous membrane.

Things you can do in everyday life to address the cause: Drink plenty of water and eat a healthy diet , exercise and physical activity to increase blood circulation, avoid stress and do relaxation exercises.

If you suspect that it is due to your contraceptive method , reconsider it and change it if necessary.

Estrogen creams and preparations can help during menopause.

In chronic cases or if it affects your daily life , you should definitely consult a gynecologist to find out the cause and a solution.

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