Sexualität in den Wechseljahren: Tipps für mehr Lust und Intimität - LubeLab

Sexuality during menopause: Tips for more desire and intimacy

Menopause - it is often associated with hot flushes, mood swings and insomnia. But what about sexuality? During this time of hormonal changes, questions and uncertainties arise: How does menopause affect my desire and libido? What can I do if sex becomes uncomfortable? The good news: menopause does not have to mean the end of intimacy. Rather, it is an invitation to get to know yourself, your body and your sexuality in a new way.

In this article, you will learn how menopause affects your body and your sexuality, what solutions there are for symptoms, and how you can experience desire and intimacy in a whole new way.

Menopause and sexuality: What happens in the body?

Menopause is a phase of hormonal changes. The production of estrogen and progesterone decreases, and this can have an impact on your body and your sexuality:

Dryness of the mucous membranes:

As estrogen levels drop, the vaginal mucosa often becomes thinner and drier. This can lead to pain during sex if there is no support from lubricants or creams.

Decreased libido:

Many women report a decrease in desire. This can have both hormonal and psychological causes, e.g. due to stress or a change in body image.

Sensitivity and changes:

Some women find their breasts or abdomen more sensitive, which can make intimate touching different.

But every woman experiences this phase differently. Some women even feel an increased desire - often due to less stress or the freedom of no longer having to worry about contraception.

Not in the mood for sex? Here's what you can do

If you don't feel like it, there's no need to worry. Often, small changes can help you find joy in intimacy again:

Communication with your partner:

Speak openly about your feelings, your wishes and your needs. Intimacy often begins with emotional closeness, and honest conversations build trust.

Medical support:

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can help compensate for falling estrogen levels. These are available in the form of tablets, creams or vaginal suppositories. A consultation with your gynecologist is the first step to find out if this option is suitable for you.

Lubricant & Intimate Care:

Dryness can cause pain during sex. A high-quality, pH-balanced lubricant ensures smooth touch and pleasant sex. Oil-based intimate creams that are applied externally can help with dry vulva.

Self-care and stress reduction:

Yoga, meditation or mindfulness training promote the connection to your body and help to reduce stress - a frequently underestimated mood killer. Also plan conscious pampering moments for yourself, be it through a relaxing massage or a hot bath.

Exercise and nutrition:

Regular exercise increases blood circulation, including in the intimate area, and releases endorphins that promote desire and well-being. A balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids and phytoestrogens (e.g. in soy products) can also be supportive.

Setting new impulses:

Sex toys, erotic literature or experimenting with new positions can spark new desire. Dare to try new things, alone or with your partner.

Why Sex During Menopause Can Be Special

The menopause offers an opportunity to experience intimacy more consciously. Many women report during this phase of life:

More self-confidence:

You know better what you want and can express your wishes more confidently.

Deeper connection:

Without the pressure of contraception or societal expectations, you can enjoy a more relaxed sexuality as a couple.

More intense orgasms:

With the right stimulation and care, you can experience sex even more intensely than before.

Conclusion: Sexuality in the menopause – a chance for something new

The menopause is not an end, but a transformation of your sexuality. It offers the opportunity to redesign intimacy and enjoy it more consciously. With the right support - be it through lubricant, hormone replacement therapy or more time for yourself - you can experience this phase as an enrichment. Allow yourself to rediscover your sexuality and live it with joy.

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