
Milchsäure in Gleitgel: Warum sie so wichtig für vaginale Gesundheit ist - LubeLab

Milchsäure in Gleitgel: Warum sie so wichtig fü...

Wie Milchsäure die vaginale Flora unterstützt, Infektionen vorbeugen kann und warum sie in einem guten Gleitgel nicht fehlen sollte.

Milchsäure in Gleitgel: Warum sie so wichtig fü...

Wie Milchsäure die vaginale Flora unterstützt, Infektionen vorbeugen kann und warum sie in einem guten Gleitgel nicht fehlen sollte.

Sex und Trockenheit während und nach der Schwangerschaft: Was du wissen solltest - LubeLab

Sex and dryness during and after pregnancy: Wha...

Dryness during pregnancy? Find out why this is normal and how lubricant, care and patience make intimacy pleasant. Tips for intimacy after birth!

Sex and dryness during and after pregnancy: Wha...

Dryness during pregnancy? Find out why this is normal and how lubricant, care and patience make intimacy pleasant. Tips for intimacy after birth!

Parabene in Gleitgel: Warum sie schädlich sind - LubeLab

Parabens in Lubricants: Why They Are Harmful

Find out why parabens should be avoided in lubricants. They can affect hormones, cause irritation and harm the vaginal flora. Tips for safe lubricants!

Parabens in Lubricants: Why They Are Harmful

Find out why parabens should be avoided in lubricants. They can affect hormones, cause irritation and harm the vaginal flora. Tips for safe lubricants!

Juckreiz in der Vagina: Was sind die Ursachen und was hilft? - LubeLab

Itching in the vagina: What are the causes and ...

Itching in the vagina? Find out everything about causes such as fungal infections, bacterial vaginosis & dryness. With tips for care & relief of symptoms.

Itching in the vagina: What are the causes and ...

Itching in the vagina? Find out everything about causes such as fungal infections, bacterial vaginosis & dryness. With tips for care & relief of symptoms.

Sexualität in den Wechseljahren: Tipps für mehr Lust und Intimität - LubeLab

Sexuality during menopause: Tips for more desir...

Find out how you can enjoy a fulfilling sex life during the menopause. Information and tips on libido, hormone therapy and vaginal dryness.

Sexuality during menopause: Tips for more desir...

Find out how you can enjoy a fulfilling sex life during the menopause. Information and tips on libido, hormone therapy and vaginal dryness.

Ausfluss nach dem Sex: Was bedeuten Farbe, Konsistenz und Geruch? - LubeLab

Discharge after sex: What does color, consisten...

Yellow, brown, pink, watery, lumpy or foul-smelling discharge after sex? Find out the causes, what is harmless and when you should see a doctor.

Discharge after sex: What does color, consisten...

Yellow, brown, pink, watery, lumpy or foul-smelling discharge after sex? Find out the causes, what is harmless and when you should see a doctor.